"Why do you run?" Gasp! How do I respond?
After reading countless spotlights of the beautiful stories my
running friends have shared, I feel a greater connection to them, their stories
and to the NYC roads we will share together on November 1st.
Yep, I guess that's it. I run because I'm inspired. I'm inspired
by all of the people who put away their daily pains and hit the road running.
Around 2010, my Grams was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Instead of
thinking of the last few years we had with her and how she wasn't truly herself
I force myself to remember the good times we had together. I remember when she
use to pick us up from school and take us to Baskin Robbins. Mom would never
let us have more than a kiddie size. Grams let us have two scoops. She brought
me on her shopping trips to Neiman Marcus where all the sales assistants knew
her name, where she would request purple eyeshadow, sparkly outfits and the
best designers. She was one of a kind.
However, my running inspiration changed last minute as my father
unexpectedly passed two months ago. Even writing those words tears stream down
my eyes. I was lucky to have one of those relationships with a Dad where the
daughter could do no wrong. My heart has been heavy and in immense pain the
last few weeks, but I have found strength through remembering his hilariously
contagious spirit. He did the quirkiest things. If you know me at all, you know
shy is the last word that comes to mind. It was a trait I received from my Dad.
The guy never left a building without his presence being known. The stories to
share about him are lengthy in nature and will leave you with a smile on your
face. One of the favorites my friends like to share is his wonderful night owl
quality which allowed them to name him Mr. Makie's taxi service. He was truly
the best in every aspect of his life. Although I didn't know it would be our
second to last conversation I was lucky enough to tell him he was my
inspiration and that has made all the difference in grieving his goodbye.

I'm running and wanna give up, I channel his voice and can still hear him
signing my praise in the nickname he made up for me: "Good going,
Mary, your Dad and Gram will be smiling down on your RUN
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing Makie!!
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing!! Good luck pretty lady!
ReplyDeleteYour dad is very proud of you!!