For 4 months this Spotlight of writing “why” I’m running with Team Run 2 Remember has encumbered me. Coach Brian wanted it sooner but my story is a difficult one to comprehend. I can say “I am so lucky to live in New York City and have had the opportunity to train with such passionate coaches and fantastic teammates every week.”
Keeping it positive, I run for a second year because funding an END to ALZHEIMER’S is utmost. Secondly, because the friendship and camaraderie of teammates help you get thru the tough times. I realized last year that I am not alone in this journey and I met teammates that were dealing with there own pains and loss from this wretched disease. It does help to have teammates who share the same passion to find a cure to end the pain and honor our loved ones at the same time.
My wonderful Mother who turns 90 this Nov.17 has Alzheimer’s today. She has always been my best friend, my hero, my life. I would give anything to help my Mother as I did 5 years ago. I moved from NYC to care for her and my Father in San Diego, CA. and gave them both the care they needed. I was my Mothers live in caregiver out of an un- devoted love to her. She thrived from her 24 hour care and called me “My Good girl Carol.” The sparkle came back in her life and It was the greatest gift for the both of us. All was well until sibling dysfunction ensued.

I have spent the past three years in Family Court attempting to stand up for my Mothers rights. Beyond your wildest imagination, I have been accused and persecuted by controlling dysfunctional siblings. My 90 year old Father has been manipulated so terribly all you can do is forgive him for his actions. My Mother always instilled in me to stand up for right versus wrong and that I continue to do along with a sister Julie.
Today I am living back in New York and all I can do is attempt to call my Mother everyday. The sad part is I am denied repeatedly and told “Your Mothers not well and will not be getting better.” Click. Running definitely helps ease the heartache! As weird as it sounds, on my training runs I find myself zoning off to wonderful memories with my Mom. She always gave of herself to other’s and adored and loved all her children.
My Mother always planned to watch me run a Marathon in NYC, but instead my sister Julie will cheer me on. Teammates, coaches, sisters, brothers, grandparents, FATHERS, MOTHERS, grandparents, friends....the list will stop when we find the cure. I look forward to honoring all who have been afflicted by this disease on Nov. 6, 2011. My Mother Eleanor’s photo will be so proudly on my purple jersey. Go Team Run 2 Remember, our efforts will make a difference.
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