Each week we will be picking three (3) members to spotlight to tell their alzheimer's story and why they are running in this year's New York City marathon. Check in each day or week for new updates on who will be spotlighted and get to know your teammates...(each person is picked at random)
When I found out I didn't get into the NYC Marathon this year, it was an easy decision as to which charity to join to still be a part of the race. As with many others on our team, my Grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's disease. As expected, It has progressively gotten worse over the last 5 years or so, and she is now in a full-time care center unable to take care of herself. She and my Grandfather have been married for 63 years and although she is out of it most of the time with everyone else, the two of them have the most unbelievable love and adoration for each other still, and it is amazing to see. They truly are "The Notebook". As with anyone who has immediate members suffering from this disease, it is horrific to see how it can change someone so close to you, and is devastating (and frightening) to watch happen. Because of that, I couldn't think of a better reason to join this team and fundraise for this cause. Each year, members of my family participate in the Memory Walk, and forgo presents for birthdays/Christmas in place of donations to the Alzheimer's Association. It has hit our family hard, and we are trying to do the little we can to help make a difference towards fighting this. And for me personally, running a marathon and doing it for my Grandmother, could not be a more meaningful challenge to take on.
This will be my third time running the NYC Marathon, and although I wouldn't trade the first two experiences for anything, this year will by far be the most emotional and rewarding. Running through all of NYC is a surreal experience, and I have had no desire to run a marathon anywhere else! Crossing the finish line is one of the most gratifying feelings there is, and I can only imagine how much more it will be this November 1. I am training and running in honor of my Grandmother and family, and all others affected by this disease, and am so thankful for the support from family & friends I have received.
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